Hey everyone! It's been another week here in Sønderborg. We're doing great. Me and Elder Reber had a fun opportunity to go to a soccer game here in Denmark with one of the members for preparation day!
It was a tie... but fun nevertheless. The crowd was smaller than I had anticipated considering that it was the top league in Denmark... guess this is why they didn't make the World Cup ;) We knew that Sønderjyllands goalie is actually really interested in religion and so we tried to talk to him after the game. Unfortunately the players weren't going to be available until too late and we had to head home to make curfew. Oh well.
But hey the work is still going steady here. We're starting to have to move a little bit towards more finding. Finding is made difficult in Denmark by the fact that nobody wants to talk. I'm not even mentioning the disposition towards organized religion or the fact that it gets dark at 5 o'clock now. But the simple fact that people here are isolated socially to the point that talking to someone on the street is considered crazy just makes it a challenge. What could be better suited to the task though than me and Elder Reber? I was thinking about the challenge of finding a lot. There's all these missionary rumors and such of apostles saying that there is always more prepared people in every area in the world than the elders could possibly teach, but it's hard to keep that mentality. I think in the same way it can be hard to keep that hope for spiritual experiences back home. In the end that's all what it boils down to. If we have hope that everything is gonna work out, the process itself is made easier and result come more readily. We can change our areas on missions, and our lifes back home, if we keep the hope that it's possible. I never understood why hope was one of the Christlike Attributes in PMG but I think I get it a little more now. Basically all my thoughts and things can be summarized in this video: https://www.lds.org/media- library/video/2010-05-12-good- things-to-come?lang=eng
Seriously love it. The music is great as well. Elder Holland is a spiritual giant.
Also this article is awesome :) https://www.lds.org/church/ news/the-surprising-science- behind-supremely-happy-people? cid=HPFR102414513&lang=eng
That should take care of Elder Bednars urge to have us all use Social Media in a positive manner right?
One thing I've really enjoyed about training is that it helps me realize all the things about being a missionary that I've started to take for granted. Elder Reber is so much more excited about a lot of things than I am, and I shouldn't just stop caring about things because they aren't new. For example this pretty lake right off one of the castles we had our weekly planning session at... I don't know.
Oh, we also had a great dinner meeting with a family in the branch. They've been super busy the last period in their lives and are really trying to get the family back into the pattern of regular church attendance. They asked us to come over once a week to help get their eleven year old boy ready to move out of primary. They're awesome! A way fun family and it's interesting to teach on a different level. We focused on ''Putting on the Whole Armor of God'' because the kid Mathias enjoys super hero movies. Check out Ephesians Chapter 6 for more ;)
Anywho I'm doing great, hope you all are as well. Other interesting things this week include almost witnessing a man get very seriously hurt by falling into the ocean, having all my ties stolen by another Elder as a practical joke (I have a high neck sweater and a scarf on to hide it until I can find them...), and having to plan a long treck out to the police station in tønder to retrieve another Elders bike across the country that mysteriously turned up in the outskirts of our area. All in a good weeks work :)
Hav det godt!
Ældste Durrant
Borups Alle 128 1.tv
2000 Frederiksberg
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