It was sad.
My last lesson in Odense was super funny though. We were teaching this older man named Peter who can't hold his neck upright because of some accident he had before. Anyway, I'd taught him twice already on splits, and he wasn't too familiar with Elder Mogensen or Elder Merril... He had let me play one of his many guitars before and sing a little bit just for fun. He really liked it I guess because after the lesson was done I asked him if he would say the prayer. After explaining the wording for the start and end he took off. Translated to English he said ''Please bless Durrant with his great talent, and the... boy in the middle and the... boy on the left.'' It was kind of awkward. It was cool he remembered my name though. You'd be surprised how many people we teach never remember who we are other than the ''missionærer''.
But Silkeborg is really cool! I'm in a trio with Elder Ludlow and Elder Nelson, they went to Lone Peak and Alta... don't know if anyone is familiar with them. Silkeborg is in the main land of Denmark in the middle. It's definitely not as big as Odense. I went from a city with around two hundred active members filling two wards to a little branch with like three priesthood holders :) Challenge accepted. The people here are so nice and super happy to have a 3rd missionary because like half the branch is older single women that we can't visit unless we have a third man present so the trio clears that up nicely. It's perfect because it's at Christmas time so they all want to feed us as much as they can while they still can... We have eating appointments every single day this week... one with an investigator! Also, Elder Ludlow is way into missionary photography, so expect some epic pictures. This is our trio, Ludlow on the left, Nelson on the right, yours trully in the middle.
We've had a blast so far. We do a lot more talking to people on the street and knocking on doors than I've done so far, and we have a lot more people that we work with to a lesser extent. What I mean is in Odense I worked with the same five or six people most of the time because they were very invested. We have a lot larger spread of people here who are just interested in maybe a stop by once in a while or a random lesson. We do have one man with a baptisimal date, but we've got a lot of work to do. The branch loves us though, and they're super funny. I had my first ''Danish Christmas Meal'' yesterday. I ate a ton. Then I ate more. Then we sang our chirstmas message because Elder Ludlow is a stud at guitar and had a ton of fun. The family gave us Christmas ties, They were kind of short but still sweet.
Both my comps have spent their whole missions up to now in Silkeborg. Crazy. I expect to be here for a very long time. Most likely Elder Ludlow will leave next transfer, Elder Nelson the one after that, and I'd be set up perfectly to train a greenie in three months which would keep me here for three more. I could hit my year mark in this area which is an odd thought.
Love you all! So excited to Skype in two days! :D Keep on being awesome, and congrats to Walker getting his visa, I'm pumped for him!
Vi ses på jul!
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